Services & Scheduling
Services The Office of Student Accessibility Services can assist you with include, but are not limited to:
- Consultation for reasonable accommodations
- Adapting a classroom for a student who uses a wheelchair or other mobility tool with adjustable height tables or other appropriate equipment
- Testing accommodations such as extending time on tests, distraction-reduced environment, and alternative formats to meet specific needs
- Providing for the use of assistive technology such as read-aloud, text enlarger, or dictation software
- Providing for the use of auxiliary aids such as sign language interpreters or books in alternative format
- Permission to type essays or writing assignments
Scheduling an Appointment
Call (919) 718-7414 or email to schedule an appointment with the coordinator.
The Office of Student Accessibility Services is located on the Lee Main Campus in Hockaday Hall. Students will check-in at the lobby and the coordinator will be notified. When possible, the coordinator schedules regular office hours on the Chatham Main Campus and Harnett Main Campus or is available by virtual appointment.
Note: It is best to schedule an appointment in advance to ensure your needs can be promptly met.
Temporary Disability
If you are expecting to have a surgical procedure or have experienced an injury that has resulted in a temporary disability, please communicate this to your Instructor(s) so that you can establish how to be proactive at not missing assignments or falling behind in the material.
Follow the standard Office of Student Accessibility Services intake process by completing the necessary paperwork. You will need to complete a Temporary Accommodations Intake Packet. Students will still need to provide medical documentation which includes diagnosis, expected duration of condition, treatment, and limitations.
Consent to Release Confidential Information
If you require any documentation with the Office of Student Accessibility Services to be sent to a third party then you must complete a Consent for Release of Confidential Information form and return it to the coordinator of Student Accessibility Services.
High School and Career & College Promise Students
College students and high school students who are taking college courses through Career & College Promise (CCP) have the option to apply for accommodations through the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and/or through Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. Students who normally receive accommodations at their high school through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act should especially be made aware of these services at the college. There are a few key differences between ADA and IDEA that we want to be sure our students, parents, and school partners understand. Find out more about the differences between receiving accommodations in a K-12 setting and a college setting.
When enrolling in any college class, existing IEP/504 plan recipients and any other students with medically diagnosed conditions, as defined by ADA and Section 504, are welcome and encouraged to apply for accommodations through our Office of Student Accessibility Services. Accommodations may be necessary for students who did not qualify for IEPs and 504 plans as the eligibility is broader in ADA than in IDEA. Your IEP or 504-Plan only applies to your high school courses and does not apply to any of your 澳门黄金城赌城 courses.
The transition from high school to college can be a difficult one for all students, but it can be especially difficult for students with disabilities. The Office of Student Accessibility Services is here to help you as you make this transition.